
Altec 846B Valencia renovation

Bring­ing a pair of vin­tage Altec 846B Valen­cia speak­ers to their fullest potential.

Altec Valen­cia 846B after renovation.

Over the past months I have ren­o­vat­ed a pair of Altec 846B Valen­cia speak­ers. They looked like you would expect from a 50+ year old speak­er that has seen one or the oth­er house par­ty in its life­time: beat up. When I went to pick them up I noticed some­thing way worse, though: both 806–8A com­pres­sion horn dri­vers didn’t work, as in: at all.

Every­thing else looked in rel­a­tive­ly good shape and untouched, so I decid­ed to go all in on the ren­o­va­tion and use these as my main speakers.


  • 806–8A com­pres­sion drivers
  • 811B horns
  • 416–8Z (416–8A) alni­co woofers
  • N800-8K divid­ing net­work, lat­er sub­sti­tut­ed with
  • N1201-8A divid­ing network

New crossover based on the N1201-8A frequency dividing network.
New exter­nal crossover based on the N1201-8A fre­quen­cy divid­ing network.

For more details about every­thing check #altec7188 on Insta­gram and the videos below ↓

making-of videos:

Altec 846B Valen­cia speak­er on the day I picked them up

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