book design

Harold Edgerton, “Seeing the Unseen”

All pho­tos cour­tesy of Steidl.

book design

Evelyn Hofer, “New York”

All pho­tos cour­tesy of Steidl.


Japanese body painting

Live body painting session with Shohei Otomo in Tokyo, Japan, in 2013.

orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished in April 2013

In March I shot some pho­tos for an event orga­nized by ERECT Mag­a­zine, a Japan­ese arts mag­a­zine and book pub­lish­er I interned at in 2013.

The event was an exhi­bi­tion (“SUPER ERECT EXHIBITION”) with and by artists pub­lished by ERECT, and was one of many events hap­pen­ing at the annu­al Rop­pon­gi Art Night in Tokyo. One of the show’s high­lights was a live body paint­ing ses­sion by Shohei Otomo.